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中国证券监督管理委员会 等






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第一条 麦收安全工作在各级政府统一领导下,由公安机关负责监督管理;农机部门负责麦收机械的检查验收和机手的培训;电业部门负责麦场用电设备安装、检查和电工的培训;交通部门负责交通安全工作;其它有关部门积极配合,协助搞好防火安全工作。
第二条 麦收期间,各级政府要建立麦收防火安全领导机构,村要建立护麦领导小组,麦场设防火负责人。各有关部门要组织一定数量的人员投入护麦防火安全工作,实行各种形式的防火责任制,采取有效措施,保证麦场安全。
第三条 各级麦收防火安全领导机构的职责是:贯彻上级有关麦收防火安全工作的规定、意见;研究、制定本地麦收防火安全工作的措施、办法;检查督促有关部门和基层组织搞好麦收防火安全;组织指挥群众扑救麦场火灾;追究处理麦场火灾事故。
第四条 麦收防火负责人的职责是,负责麦场防火安全制度、义务消防组织、值班巡逻和设施等项的落实工作。
第五条 加强麦场管理。麦场不宜修造太大,并尽可能设在水源充足的地方,与公路、铁路、高压电线和使用明火的地点保持一定安全距离,与油库、炸药库和其他危险场所至少相隔一百五十米,以便万一发生火灾后尽快地控制和扑灭。
第六条 严禁在公路、街道上打麦、晒粮、堆垛。
第七条 麦收前,农机、电业部门必须对机电作业人员进行严格的训练和安全常识教育;麦收机械、用电设备要经农机、电业管理部门检查并发给合格证后,方可使用;汽车、拖拉机、柴油机排气管不戴“离心式防火罩”不准进场,不准在场内检修、起动;严禁各种机具带病作业和无
第八条 不准私接乱拉乱装电线和电器。麦场用电要符合安全规定,明线不准进场,脱粒用电有双闸刀、地埋线,照明灯要固定,开关要完好。
第九条 麦场要有各项防火安全制度和醒目的防火标志。场内严禁烟火;不准在麦场附近烧纸、燃放鞭炮;严防小孩在麦场周围玩火和精神病人纵火滋事。
第十条 麦子进场前,场内应设有水缸、水桶、水盆和灭火工具,备足消防用水,专管专用,责任到人。对进场作业和守护人员要进行麦场防火、灭火常识教育。联场打麦,要建立义务消防队,组织好巡逻守护。
第十一条 对认真贯彻落实麦收防火安全规定,安全无事故而成绩显著的单位和个人,要给予表彰和奖励;对不负责任、玩忽职守,违犯本规定而造成火灾及人身伤亡事故的单位和个人,要给予处罚。情节严重触犯刑律的,要依法追究刑事责任。
第十二条 奖励和惩罚分别由各级公安机关和各主管部门组织实施。







(State Administration of Taxation: 21 April 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994] No. 106)

Whole Doc.

To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities and cities with independent planning, to cultural
departments (bureaus) and to State Commission for Physical Culture and

The Circular Concerning the Levy of Tax Strictly in Accordance With
the Stipulations of the Tax Law on the Incomes Gained From Artistic and
Sports Performances Given in China, was issued on September 20, 1993
jointly by our Administration, the Ministry of Culture and the State
Commission for Sports and Physical Culture, a document Coded Guo Shui Fa
[1993] No. 089. The concrete policy-related business questions concerning
tax levied on the incomes gained from artistic and sports performances
staged in China (Chinese Mainland) by troupes or individuals coming from
abroad and from the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are hereby
clarified as follows:

I. For performers and athletes from abroad or from the regions of
Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who stage artistic and sports performances in
China (Chinese mainland) in the name of organization; tax shall be levied
on the incomes gained by art troupes and their performers or by individual
athletes in accordance with the following stipulations:
(1) In line with the related stipulations of the Provisional
Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Business Tax
(hereinafter referred to as Provisional Regulations Concerning Business
Tax), after subtracting the expenses paid to the units, performing
companies or brokers who provide performing venus from all income gained
from ticket price or from booking the whole theatre or stadium, the
balance shall be regarded as the business volume on which business tax is
levied at a 3 percent rate.
(2) For performing troupes which can provide complete and accurate
certificates showing their outlay of expenses, according to the related
stipulations of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China on
enterprise with foreign investment and Foreign Enterprises (hereinafter
referred to as Enterprise Income Tax Law), enterprise income tax shall be
levied at a 30 percent rate on the balance of the performing troupes'
total income amount after subtracting the expenses actually paid and local
income tax shall be levied at a 3 percent rate; individual income tax
shall be levied on the remuneration actually paid by the performing
troupes to individual performers or athletes in accordance with the
related stipulations of the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's
Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Individual Income Tax Law).
(3) For performing troupes which cannot provide complete and accurate
certificates showing the outlay of expenses and cannot correctly calculate
the amount of taxable income, while calculating and levying enterprise
income tax, in accordance with the principle stipulated in Article 16 of
the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax
Law, enterprise income tax and local income tax shall be levied at the tax
rate stipulated in the Enterprise Income Tax Law on the balance of their
total income amount after subtracting the remuneration paid to individual
performers and athletes and other performing expenses equivalent to 30
percent of the total income value; with regard to the remuneration paid to
individual performers and athletes as mentioned above, individual income
tax shall be withheld by the performing troupe when it pays the
remuneration in accordance with the stipulations as set in the Individual
Income Tax Law, with regard to performing troupes which have not declared
the amount of payments of remuneration to individual performers and
athletes or fail to fulfill the withholding obligations, the balance of
their total income value after subtracting other performing expenses
equivalent to 30 percent of the total value of income as mentioned above
should be regarded as the amount of payable income of that performing
troupe, enterprise income tax and local income tax shall be calculated and
levied in accordance with the Enterprise Income Tax Law. No more
individual income tax shall be levied on individual performer or athletes.

(4) In regard to the remunerations paid by the performing troupe as
mentioned in Clauses 2 and 3 of this Article to individual performers and
athletes, the performers and athletes who are invited temporarily and are
not employees of the performing troupe, individual income tax shall be
levied on the income from labor service remuneration after subtracting the
prescribed expenses in accordance with the stipulations of the Individual
Income Tax Law; for performers and athletes who belong to employees of the
performing troupe, individual income tax shall be levied on the wage and
salary incomes after subtracting the prescribed expenses in accordance
with the stipulations of the Individual Income Tax Law.

II. For the incomes gained from performances staged in China (Chinese
Mainland) by performers or athletes from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan in personal name, the balance of incomes from all ticket price
or from booking whole theatre or venues after subtracting the expenses
paid to units, performing companies or brokers who provide performing
venus is regarded as the business volume on which business tax shall be
levied at a 3 percent rate; in line with the related stipulations of the
Individual Income Tax Law, individual income tax shall be levied on the
income from labor service remunerations.

III. With regard to performing troupes or individuals who should
declared payments of payable tax to competent tax authorities in the
location where performances are staged, the matter shall be dealt with
concretely in accordance with the following different situations:
(1) Performing troupe and individuals shall pay business tax, they
shall declare payment of business tax to the competent tax authorities in
the location where performances are staged on the income from performances
staged at one locality in accordance with related stipulations of the
Provisional Regulations on Business Tax.
(2) For the enterprise income tax and local income tax which the
performing troupe should pay, the amount of taxable income and tax payment
are calculated on the basis of the income from performances staged in one
locality in accordance with the related stipulations of the Enterprise
Income Tax Law and the Detailed Rules for its Implementation and this
Circular, the performing troupe shall declare tax payment to competent tax
authorities at the location where performances are staged. The performing
troupe which calculates tax payment on the basis of the outlay of actual
expenses as mentioned in Clause 2 of Article 1 of this Circular shall,
after the end of all performing activities, perform the procedures for
settlement of enterprise income tax with the competent tax authorities at
the location of Chinese reception unit with whom it signs the performing
(3) For the individual income tax which performers and athletes
should pay, they shall declared tax payment with competent tax authorities
at the location where performances are staged in accordance with the
related stipulations of the Individual Income Tax Law for the
remunerations gained from performances given at one locality. For income
belonging to labor service remuneration and performances staged on several
occasions at one locality, the total income gained from performances given
on several occasions at one locality is regarded as a lump sum income on
which individual income tax is calculated and levied.

(4) Competent tax authorities can designate various venues, halls,
theatres or Chinese reception units to contract to provide spaces for the
performing activities staged by performing troupes or individuals from
abroad, or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, they should withhold various
payable taxes for the performing troupes or individuals from the incomes
settled with these troupes and individuals. If the performing troupes or
individuals who have not yet cleared off various payable taxes in the
locality where performances are staged, when paying for the income from
performances to other units, the Chinese reception units should withhold
the payable tax owed by the performing troupes or individuals. Units which
fail to withhold the payable tax in accordance with the related
stipulations of this Circular shall be dealt with strictly in accordance
with the stipulations of the Tax Collection and Management Law of the
People's Republic of China.

IV. Various Chinese reception units shall, within seven days after
signing performance contracts with units from outside, send the contracts
and materials to competent tax authorities at the location where
performing activities are staged, those who fail to provide contracts and
materials by exceeding the time limit shall be dealt with in accordance
with the Enterprise Income Tax Law and related regulations.
This Circular goes into effect from the day of receipt of the
