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国家工商局 对对外贸易经济合作部



第一条 为了更好地推动我国广告业为对外开放服务,保证外商投资广告企业的质量,促进我国广告业健康发展,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称外商投资广告企业,是指中外合资、合作经营广告业务的企业。
第三条 设立外商投资广告企业,应当遵循《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国广告法》、《广告管理条例》、《广告经营者资质标准及广告经营范围核定用语规范》等有关法律、法规、规章。
第四条 外商投资广告企业的项目建议书和可行性研究报告,由国家工商行政管理局审定。外商投资广告企业的经营范围,由国家工商行政管理局依据《广告经营者资质标准及广告经营范围核定用语规范》,根据外商投资广告企业的类型,按设计、制作、发布、代理国内外广告业务的不同范围,分别予以核定。外商投资广告企业的合同和章程,由对外贸易经济合作部审查批准。
第五条 设立外商投资广告企业,按下列程序办理:
第六条 设立外商投资广告企业,除符合有关法律、法规规定的条件外,还应具备以下条件:
第七条 申请设立分支机构的外商投资广告企业,应具备以下基本条件:
第八条 申请设立外商投资广告企业,由中方合营者按本规定第五条规定的程序,向国家工商行政管理局报送下列文件:
第九条 申请设立外商投资广告企业,应按本规定第五条规定的程序,向对外贸易经济合作部报送下列文件:
第十条 外商投资广告企业通过审查取得批准证书后,如出现下列情况之一的,应按本规定第五条规定的程序另行报批:
第十一条 外商投资企业申请增加广告经营业务的,参照本规定办理。
第十二条 本规定自一九九五年一月一日起施行。

Regulations of the State Administration for Industry and Commerceand the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for Establi-shing Foreign-Invested Advertising Enterprises

(Promulgated on November 3, 1994)

Whole document
Regulations of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for Establishing
Foreign-Invested Advertising Enterprises
(Promulgated on November 3, 1994)
Article 1
These Regulations are hereby formulated with a view to promoting the
advertising industry of China to serve for the open-to-the-outside-world,
assuring the high quality of the foreign-invested advertising enterprises,
and pushing forward the healthy development of the advertising industry of
Article 2
For the purpose of these Regulations, the term "foreign-invested
advertising enterprises" means the enterprises that are engaged in
advertising business in the form of either a Chinese-Foreign equity joint
venture or a Chinese-foreign cooperative joint venture.
Article 3
To apply for the establishment of a foreign-invested advertising
enterprise, related laws, regulations and rules shall be followed, such
as Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Equity Joint
Ventures, Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign
Cooperative Joint Ventures, The Advertising Law of the People's Republic
of China, Regulations on Advertising Administration, Qualification
Standards of Advertising Operators and Phraseology Norm for the
Examination and Ratification of the Advertising Business Scope, etc.
Article 4
The project proposals and the feasibility study reports of
foreign-invested advertising enterprises shall be examined and approved by
the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. The business scopes of
foreign-invested advertising enterprises that are classified as the
different scopes like designing, producing, media-buying and acting for
advertising business both at home and abroad, shall be approved by the
State Administration for Industry and Commerce, in accordance with The
Qualification Standards of Advertising Operations and Phraseology Norm for
the Examination and Ratification of the Advertising Business Scope and in
the light of the different types of foreign-invested advertising
enterprises. The contracts and the articles of association of
foreign-invested advertising enterprises shall be examined and approved by
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Article 5
For the establishment of a foreign-invested advertising enterprise,
the following procedures shall be followed:
(1) The Chinese party to an equity joint venture advertising
enterprise (including the party to Chinese-foreign cooperative joint
venture, similarly hereinafter) shall submit the project proposal and
feasibility study report for the establishment of a foreign-invested
advertising enterprise to the local administration for industry and
commerce which is authorized to ratify and register enterprises with
foreign investment. With the preliminary examination comments of the local
administration, the administration for industry and commerce at the level
of province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central
Government or the municipalities specifically listed in the State plan
shall examine and transfer those documents to the State Administration for
Industry and Commerce for final examination and approval.
In case the Chinese Party is an enterprise directly under the
ministries, commissions or bureaus of the State Council, the Chinese party
shall submit to the department in charge the project proposal and
feasibility study report for the establishment of a foreign-invested
advertising enterprise. Upon examination and consent by the department in
charge, those documents shall be submitted to the State Administration for
Industry and Commerce for final examination and approval.
Upon receipt of all the documents required, the State Administration
for Industry and Commerce shall, within 30 days, make a decision of
approval or disapproval over the establishment of the foreign-invested
advertising enterprise.
(2) After the issuance of the "Certificate of Examination and Approval
Opinions for Foreign-Invested Advertising Enterprises" by the State
Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Chinese party shall submit
the contract and articles of association of the foreign-invested
advertising enterprise to the local foreign trade, and after being
checked by the foreign trade and economic cooperation authorities at the
level of province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the
Central Government or the municipalities specifically listed in the State
plan, the relative documents shall be transferred to the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for final examination and approval.
In case the Chinese party is an enterprise directly under the
ministries, commissions or bureaus of the State Council, the Chinese party
shall submit to the department in charge the contract and articles of
association for the establishment of a foreign-invested advertising
enterprise. After being checked and consented by the department in charge,
the documents mentioned-above shall be transferred to the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for final examination and approval.
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall,
according to the State laws and regulations governing foreign investment,
decide whether to approve or disapprove the establishment of such an
enterprise within the stipulated time limits.
(3) The Chinese party shall, with the "Certificate of Examination and
Approval Opinions for Foreign-invested Advertising Enterprises" issued by
the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the approval
certificate issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation and other documents stipulated by the laws and regulations,
submit, according to the relative regulations on enterprise registration,
to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce or the local
administrations for industry and commerce authorized to check and register
enterprises with foreign investment for handling the formalities of
registration for an enterprise legal person.
The application of a foreign-invested advertising enterprise for
setting up a branch shall be examined and approved by the foreign trade
and economic cooperation department of the province, autonomous region,
municipality directly under the Central Government or the municipalities
specifically listed in the State plan, and then transferred to the
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation which shall, after
gathering opinions from the State Administration for Industry and
Commerce, decide whether to approve or disapprove it.
Article 6
To apply for establishing a foreign-invested advertising enterprise,
the following conditions shall be fulfilled in addition to the conditions
stipulated in the relative laws and regulations:
(1) all parties to a foreign-invested advertising enterprise must be a
fair-sized enterprise legal person which is mainly engaged in advertising
(2) being able to introduce the world's advanced advertising
technology and equipment;
(3) having the capability for market investigation, advertising plan
and advertising effect measurement;
(4) being able to train the Chinese personnel in the aspects of
advertising plan, creation, design, production and management; and
(5) the registered capital being no less than US $ 300000.
Article 7
The foreign-invested advertising enterprise which intends to apply for
setting up a branch shall fulfill the following main conditions:
(1) the registered capital has been contributed in full;
(2) the annual volume of business shall not be lower than RMB 20
million yuan; and
(3) in the place where the branch is to be located, there must be
more than 3 relatively permanent advertising customers.
Article 8
When applying for the establishment of a foreign-invested adverting
enterprise, the Chinese party shall, according to the stipulations set
forth in Article 5 of these Regulations, submit to the State
Administration for Industry and Commerce the following documents:
(1) the application report for the establishment of a foreign-invested
advertising enterprise;
(2) the approval documents issued by the department in charge of the
Chinese party;
(3) the project proposal for the establishment of a foreign-invested
advertising enterprise;
(4) the feasibility study report worked out jointly by all the
(5) the registration testimonials for each party;
(6) the financial credit documents for each party;
(7) the documents for the main equipment used and technology adopted,
and their original sources;
(8) its advertising administration system; and
(9) the preliminary examination opinions of the local administrations
for industry and commerce.
Article 9
When applying for the establishment of a foreign-invested advertising
enterprise, the Chinese party shall, in accordance with the procedure
provided in Article 5 of these Regulations, submit to the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation the following documents:
(1) the documents reported by local foreign trade and economic
cooperation departments or the ministries, commissions or bureaus
directly under the State Council;
(2) the "Certificate of Examination and Approval Opinions for
Foreign-invested Advertising Enterprises" issued by the State
Administration for Industry and Commerce;
(3) the contract and articles of association for the establishment of
the foreign-invested advertising enterprise;
(4) the project proposal and feasibility study report;
(5) the registration testimonials for each party;
(6) the financial credit documents for each party;
(7) the verification and approval documents for the name of the
enterprise issued by the administration authorities for industry and
commerce; and
(8) the name list of members of the board of directors and the
appointment documents for the directors from each party.
Article 10
Even after obtaining the approval certificate through examination, the
foreign-invested advertising enterprise shall, according to the procedure
stipulated in Article 5 of these Regulations, apply for approval in any of
the following cases:
(1) to change any party; or
(2) to change the business scope.
Article 11
These Regulations shall be applicable as a measure of reference to
enterprises with foreign investment if they apply for enlarging their
business scope to advertising business.
Article 12
These Regulations shall come into force as of January 1, 1995.


彭晶 李楠(北京市房山区人民检察院)

摘 要: 受教育权是公民根据宪法规定而享有的基本权利,是国际社会公认的基本人权。我国公民的受教育权已具初步的法律保障,但在现实中也存在一些问题,我们应积极采取各种有效措施,切实保障公民的受教育权的实现。
关键词:公民 受教育权 法律保障 文化权利 社会权利 国家义务


受教育权是一项国际公认的基本人权,但 “受教育权”真正作为一项人权来考虑是在二战后于1948年联合国大会通过的《世界人权宣言》中确立的。1996年12月16日,联合国大会通过了两个国际公约—— 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》和《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》,特别是《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》,其核心内容包括民族自决权、男女平等、工作权、儿童权利、受教育权、免受饥饿权等。《公约》把经济、社会及文化权利以法律形式予以确认,并将其与公民权利和政治权利摆到同等重要的地位,无先后高低之分,具有重要历史进步意义。该《公约》第13条对 《世界人权宣言》规定的受教育权进行了细化,使其成为各缔约国的一项义务。可以说,《公约》基本上概括了“受教育权”的权利内容,是迄今为止关于 “受教育权”内涵所做出的最完整的释义。另外,《联合国儿童权利宣言》、《取缔教育应属义务》、《欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约第一议定书》、《欧洲社会宪章》、《美洲人权公约》等一系列国际人权文件和区域性国际人约法也都对受教育权做出了规定,虽各有侧重,或详略不一,但其内容都是与 《世界人权宣言》一脉相承的,受教育权保障的国际标准已经确立。

受教育权有着丰富的内涵。由于各个国家的传统不同,所信奉的理念不同,各国实际国情不同,所以即使国际文件和宪法确认同一项权利,即便用相同的词汇,其内涵、范围、意义也可能大异其趣。就各国的宪法制度而言 ,有些国家确定受教育权利,突出公民对国家的要求权;有些国家则确定受教育自由,突出公民选择何种教育方式及内容的自主性,避免国家的过多干涉。而且,在学理层级上,也存在着诸家学说,莫衷一是。
受教育权,也即Right to Receive Education 或 Right of Access to Education 。
第一,接受教育的权利。张维平认为,我国公民的受教育权是指公民依法享有接受文化知识教育、劳动技能教育和其他方面教育的权利。 李步云认为,“公民的受教育权是指公民享有的在各类学校、各种教育机构或者通过其他途径学的文化科学知识,提高自己的科学文化业务水平的权利。” 姜小川认为受教育权是指达到一定年龄并且具有接受教育的能力的公民,有从国家和社会获得文化教育的机会和物质帮助,从而进入各种学校或者其他教育设施,学习科学文化知识的权利。
第四,公民权说。受教育权为公民权利可以提升受教育权的法律地位,特别是受教育权的人权地位。受教育权的这种法律地位决定受教育权对其主体所具有的固有性、不可剥夺性、不可让与性、不可动摇性和必须保障性 。受教育权为公民权利,即受教育权也不可避免的归入第一代人权,并带有第一代人权的特征属性,它关注的是选择的自由,以排除国家的干预。
显的差别,但是,国家的主要主导作用是不可动摇的 。

其一,就“受教育机会权”来讲,受教育机会是指受教育者有权通过学习和受教育获得生存与发展能力的可能性空间和余地,是受教育者接受任何等级或类型的教育的起点、资格与身份。“受教育机会权”是受教育权存在与发展的前提性与基础性权利。学者龚向和认为“受教育机会权”还可具体分为入学机会权、升学机会权、受教育选择权和学生身份权。 入学机会权、升学机会权是受教育机会权的重要表现形式,也是重要的实现方式,受教育的选择权是指公民对接受教育的种类、学校、教师等有自由选择权利。受教育的选择权与入学机会权、升学机会权是不可分的。 入学机会权、升学机会权以及受教育选择权的行使所产生的结果,即:进入某一教育机构而获得该教育机构的学生身份,享有学生的一切权利,而一旦丧失学生身份权,其他形式的受教育权也就一同丧失。因此,学生身份权是受教育机会权的核心,享有受教育机会权,实质是要享有学生身份权。故受教育者要十分珍惜学生身份权,教育机构或教育者不可轻易剥夺学生身份权。

公民受教育权的落实和保障分为形式和实质两方面, 如果说平等原则可以视为对受教育权形式上的保障,那么人本原则就是对其实质上的保障。长期以来,我们的教育除了以人为对象之外,其视野中并没有人。从神化教育到物化教育,它们具有一个一脉相传的逻辑、准则、思维方式和理念,都呈现出了否定与压抑人性、个性、自主性、主动性的特征。因而,人本原则就是指在教育中确立本体论和人性化的教育观。
确立人性化的教育观,就要实行人性化的学校教育,这是培养真正的“人” 的教育。无论是学校制度安排还是学校的日常管理,都应该以“人”为本,充分尊重学生作为“人”所应享有的一切权利,为学生人格的健康发展创造和谐、宽松的环境。这就需要不断地推进教育教学方法和学校管理策略的变革,对待成长中的青少年,要把他们当作独立的、有自身尊严与权利的同等的“人”来教育和管理。在学校教育过程中,学校内部的教育及常规管理应对青少年的人格给予足够的尊重和重视,教师在进行惩戒和批评教育时应该突出其教育性,注意采取合理方式,推动学校教育的“人性化”进程。总之,受教育者本身完整的人格尊严、尚待发展的天赋才能,乃是所有教育措施时时刻刻不能丝毫侵犯的核心规范,即教育必须以人为目的。也就是说,生存权是人的一项最基本的权利,是人的生命得以延续的权利,作为生存权的受教育权利必须坚持以每个人的最大利益为考量,以促进每个人有质量的生存为目的。
